Ayurvedic Consultation
Ayurveda by definition means "the science of life". Your present level of health, vitality, and happiness are a direct result of all the choices you have made in your life up to this point. If you have made choices that are in alignment with your Ayurvedic body-type or Doshas you
will feel healthy happy and vibrant. If you have made choices that have gone against your Ayurvedic dosha type you will be experiencing discomfort or dis-ease in your life on a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual level.
In an Ayurvedic nutritional consultation you will discover your personal body-type according to the elements of nature. You will understand the ways you are creating balance by making choices that support your body-type or creating imbalance or disease by going against your body-type. We will look at choices you make in regards to the food you are eating, activities you are participating in, patterns of routine, exercise, relationships, environmental factors and sleeping patterns. You will be empowered with a simple and effective plan of action to bring balance and well-being back into your life.

Everything you do, say, and think affects your health and well-being to a positive or negative degree. Coming back into balance in your life is much easier when you align yourself with the laws of nature.
Ayurvedic Consultation benefits:
Strengthen immune system
Enjoy deep and restful sleep
Improve digestion
Increase energy levels
Decrease levels of stress
Weight loss
Improve connection in relationships
Increase self-esteem
Release addictive patterns
Improve circulation
Increase feelings of happiness and contentment
Experience more meaning in work
Increase patience with self and others
When you begin to understand yourself on an elemental level not only will your physical body be noticeably healthier and more vibrant, but you will experience greater connection with all of life. Are you ready for a simple and profound change in your health and well being? Schedule your consultation today!
Treatment Rates
Initial consultation (90 min)
Follow up session (60 min)
*Rates do not include GST
Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better. ~Albert Einstein
Your Ayurvedic Consultatnt

Erik’s love for Yoga and Ayurveda started in 1995 when he was living in Boulder, Colorado and working for an Ayurvedic herbal store. He began his basic Yoga practice to complement his active athletic lifestyle.
Erik now combines his formal education in Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, and Ayurveda with his athletic background and love for Truth to create a unique way to explore the depths of Self through the movement, breath and philosophy of Yoga.
Erik received his traditional Yoga training from Yogrishi Vishvketu. This yogic system, Akhanda Yoga is based on the 2000 year old Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Akhanda is a balanced form of yoga combining meditation, pranayama, mantra and the practice of asana (postures) which opens the practitioner to return to our natural state of peace. During his training, Erik was given the name Bhakti Prakash meaning “light of devotion”. This devotion can be seen in his love for spreading the light of yoga to others.
After completing his 500 hour teacher training, Erik began training yoga instructors in Canada and India. When not teaching yoga he enjoys spending time with his family, hiking, snowboarding, camping, reading and living a simple life.